Visegrad Design Fair - Budapest
22.03.2015. Sunday
10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Millenáris Hall D
1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus u. 16-20.
WAMP design fair aimed since its foundation in 2006 to make the outstanding and quality design self-evident and accessible for everybody by means of its fairs and programmes. Keeping in mind this idea on the 22nd March 2015 a fair will be held where not only the Hungarian but also the designers from the Visegrad countries can appear. They can introduce themselves to the general public; they can build up relations with their customers, with the public being starved of the design, as well as to each other, thus basing the subsequent cross-border co-operations.
The project aims at strengthening the cooperation of the Visegrad countries in the field of the culture, harmonizing and combining the outstanding players of the design life of the participating countries. The programme provides a common appearance platform, where the designer can appear as an independent brand but still uniformly and simultaneously, thereby multiplying the available the base of persons interested in. By means of joint efforts provided by the project better opportunities present themselves for them to meet both the potential foreign customers and to co-operate with each other. We believe that we can establish partnerships in the course of the project, during both the preparations and the concrete event, which provide a forum for further consideration of either this project or for the future Visegrad-co-operations, such as common events, exhibitions, fairs, other cultural or educational and training projects that all strengthen the co-operation of the design culture of the participating countries.
The target group of the event on one hand is the general public interested in the design culture is considered as target group and who can get to know the works of the designers acting in the V4 region in addition to the designers of their own country, improving thereby their own design culture and expanding their scope of interest. On the other hand, the players and the designers of the design life of the V4 countries, which participate in the project. They can introduce themselves, their products and brands to the Hungarian general public. In addition, the project provides outstanding benchmark option as they can change ’best practices’ methods to develop their own skills as a designer or as an organization.