Starting from 2009 WAMP introduces a designer every month who we consider unique or outstanding at the design market. The aim is also to introduce the person behind the design objects.
Kriszta Kuti has already participated at the first WAMP, and since she is there as a jewel designer.
About the brand
She designs handmade individual silver jewels, mostly she also polishes the stones.
She has drawn to the stones since childhood: I tried to hook wires and lines up to me as my first jewels. After the secondary school of Fine and Applied Arts I looked after a master, and I found Ágnes Bartha, who is an important relation still nowadays. Her other inspiration is her husband George Radic.
Her favorite designer is her husband but she mentioned it is not so ethical to name him as favorite.
Funniest case
Many years ago in Belgium her carrier’s funniest case has happened with her: “one day an old poor auntie chose a huge rose quartz ring at my stand, and she promised to come back tomorrow. Of course.. But she came back. She wore a complete rose dress and my rose ring and she sang a known Hungarian operetta. It was her present for this ring. Wow.”
About WAMP
She has been participated at all the WAMP design market since first one. “The fair is a great idea to become familiar in the market, and to help building relationships, and to help selling.”
“The whole world around me inspires me. I would like to work as long as I can. In my case I can not separate design and execution as both unites, moreover it fills my whole working time.”