7th June 2009
Erzsébet tér from 11 am to 7 pm
Have you noticed that there are a lot of pregnant ladies around lately?
And guess what? Lots of the WAMP organizers are expecting little ones, too. So to celebrate the arrival of the little WAMPs they’ll be focusing on baby design, toy design and stylish mummies at the next event.
Of course, you can expect the regular WAMP fair, which will be showcasing around 100 designers, as well as a special stylist consultancy which will advise expectant ladies how to dress cool! There will be fantastic clothes from B.Boom, the ultimate maternity wear store in Budapest, as well as baby design products, toys and other accessories. All this will be set against the backdrop of DJ Nizar’s top tunes.
WAMP FLASH MOB! There will be a WAMP group-photo for mums-to-be at 4 p.m., too! The aim is to gather as many pregnant ladies as possible, and to show the largest number of pregnant women in one photo, like, ever! And you’ve gotta wear something purple!
Separate corner for designers related to the theme:
Design for mums-to-be: b.boom, ille-olla, children furniture design: vibel, children clothing design, accessories, shoes: Estrella, hudebaba, Katalin Wiesner, toys: Pucc, Anikó Piry, Etelka, Figurka, Mamazon, Klára Gera, Gabriella Hellenbach, Anita Zsivkov, Bernadett Perjés, children drawings, illustration: Írisz Agócs, Anikó Róth, babycarrier: Kangu.
3 pm - 6 pm: b.boom stylist consultancy, to experience all sizes and shapes and styles in 9 months
4 pm: Photoshoot for pregnant ladies. Wear something purple!
11 am - 1pm and 3pm - 6 pm: Children's corner with Noha Stúdió
Programs all day:
Design bookstand
Music: Dj Nizar
If you can not wait until the next WAMP, check out our webshop for unique Hungarian design products!
Everyone welcome!
Free entry!