19th April 2009
Erzsébet tér 11 am-7 pm
WAMP appears one week after Easter to celebrate Earth day on open air. The event will join other Earth Day happenings and will take place on the same day as the Critical Mass. Cycling and recycling will be the focus points of first spring design fair.
Bikes-just like dogs- are special friends of a modern urban person, and as such deserve special attention at the beginning of the season. April WAMP will therefore feature a special bike edition. Bike styling, bike consultancy as well as a great variety of bike accessories will be available.
Bicycle corner all day: Bikestyling with a lot of accessories, as well as consultancy on how to fix your bike. NTNBSZ is a civil organisation where women teach women how to fix their bike. All wamps should have a try!
Bikegarage: If you need a quick fix of your bike, ask our expert, who will fix it free!
Bike history exhibition
K(re)álda is the title of the recycling workshop held by the Recycling Association in cooperation with the Hints group, the Recycling Mission Hungary, Cellux group and the Retextil Foundation.
And of course you will find all other designers with their unique and innovative goods as well as
Cocktail bar and
Design bookstand
Music: Dj Crix
Its still worth checking our website regularly as we deluge you by news on design, news on our organisation and everything else important to us. Check the designer of the month series, where one designer is being presented each month.
If you could not visit the event, but still long for some design goodies visit our webshop, and wamp online from some of our designers.
Everyone (bikes too) are welcome!
Entrance free!