Starting from 2009 WAMP introduces a designer every month who we cosider unique or outstanding at the design market. The aim is also to introduce the person behind the design objects.
The designer of the month in March is Linda Tóth, designer of cartoon brand: dotty.
About the brand
Linda Tóth has been developing pin production methods for long until she started applying her little graphical creations. With her partner they have designed the dotty product family of lovely pocket mirrors, charming pins fridgemagnets for months.
Products remind us of colorful, fairy animations that they want to extend to clothing products in the future.
Linda Tóth started her studies at a technical college in Békéscsaba specializing in textile industry, after which she attended the new department of product design at the Budapest Polytechnic. She studied design from a commercial aspect. After graduating she began her carrier at a market-leading clothing company. Afterwards she worked for a Chinese jeans company in China. „Unfortunately I missed the Great Wall, but I have an insight to everyday life of a factory employing thousands of people. There I have understood how China became a worldpower in clothes massproduction.” – she told us about her experiences.
Currently she designs teenage graphic for a Hungarian clothing company. She is responsible for international licences as well (Warner, Disney). In her freetime she tests the quality of the dotty-style popular Hungarian TúróRudi.
Her favorite Hungarian designer is her ex-college, Adrienn Nagy, who is also a WAMP exhibitor. Linda Tóth thinks that clothes designed by Adrienn Nagy are like clothes hanging in Alice’s garderobe. From foreign brands she likes collections of Moschino Cheap and Chic.
„Clothing has always been important for me as I was a child. Being a chubby girl myself beside chocolates I was only interested in how I could fill out a smaller part of the world by dressing up”
She seriously supports social responsibility, therefore had created a collection of animals where every sold piece supports an animal asylums. She plans to employ phisically challenged people for the production of her collections.
What she thinks of WAMP
„My experience is that a lot of people are just strolling on WAMP without daring to go up to designers because they would feel obliged to buy something. Our solution last time was to offer cookies to the audience and starting to talk them. We got smiles and buying in return.”
Linda Tóth and dotty are on WAMP from November 2008.